Protein is a component of the cells in the body. Helps in growth and has a duty to destroy toxins that are mixed in food as well If the body lacks protein, it will cause slow growth, fatigue, and the brain’s ability to function more slowly than usual. And may easily get sick and get various diseases, but if you get too much protein Will cause the blood to become acidic. Therefore, you should eat the right amount of protein.

If talking about protein, many of you probably think of various types of meat such as pork, fish, chicken, and eggs. In fact, protein comes in both plants and meat. And if asked about the benefits of protein I believe that there will be an answer to the matter of strengthen muscles Repair worn parts What is the information about protein? Let’s have a look.
Protein is a nutrient that provides energy to the body. 1 gram of protein provides 4 kilocalories of energy. The important function of protein is muscle strengthening tissue repair Helps boost immunity, etc.
Sources of protein
Animal protein Classified as good quality protein Because it has all the essential amino acids. The body can use it fully, including pork, UFABET, fish, chicken, eggs, seafood, milk, etc.
Plant protein is considered a good source of protein. But it has incomplete essential amino acids. Plant protein sources such as mung beans, kidney beans, millet, oats, quinoa, soybeans and products such as tofu, agricultural protein.
The amount of protein you should receive per day can be divided according to age as follows:
- Infants (ages 0-11 months) need 56 grams of protein per day (per kilogram of body weight per day).
- Children (1-8 years old) need 05-1.20 grams of protein per day (per 1 kilogram of body weight per day). Children need protein to help their bodies grow. and strengthen muscles
- Adolescents (ages 9-18) need 05-1.10 grams of protein per day (per 1 kilogram of body weight per day). They are growing and must use protein as energy for various activities.
- Adults (age 19 and up) need 00 grams of protein per day (per 1 kilogram of body weight per day). Protein’s main function in adults is to help repair damaged parts.
Daily protein needs depend on your age, physical condition, and daily activities. You should eat enough protein to meet your needs. In order for the body to grow fully And you should choose good quality protein. Know the exact source In addition, you should choose to eat a variety of foods. so that the body receives adequate other nutrients